Friday, March 28, 2008

Birthday - evening

The day was something of a damp squid, life went on as usual and very little marked today as being anything special.

This evening though I know that Robin had arranged a birthday meal out for us. To be honest, I was wondering if I was going to bother. Now I am glad I did.

Because I had not been a party to a bit of scheming done by a (very) loving husband. In the past few weeks he had been carefully selecting and inviting friends and family to join us for this birthday meal.

My first surprise was that the taxi was not so much a taxi but a cruisy friends car - with them along too! Then I did not even notice my lovely in-laws as we went into the restaurant! And to top it off - a beloved sister and brother in law too. All in on the secret, and all, a surprise to me.

I've not smiled so much in ages, I drank in the pure pleasure of having these people not only in my life, but willing and able to be there to celebrate my birthday! It was the best present, to be valued by these fabulous people. So thank you, you know who you are. You made this evening really special for me. What a great way to end a birthday.


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